Games for dyslexia intervention
The Witch
There are real words and invented ones. The student must click on real words to avoid the Witch. A teacher can upload words from a .txt file
Memory-like game. A student clicks on a card and reads aloud the word. The student plays several rounds until they remember postions of all "monster" cards and can avoid all of them. A teacher can upload words from a .txt file.
There are five cards at the bottom. Each card is a model of a word (for example, words that begin with a prefix "пере"). By clicking on the lower cards, you need to move the upper ones to the corresponding models. A teacher can upload words from a .txt file.
Strange words
A parent or teacher clicks on a word's part to create a new invented word. A student read a new word aloud. A teacher can upload words chunks from a .txt file.
A student learns to read different types of syllables. A teacher or parent can select sets of syllables from the menu at the top.
A Lighthouse beam
A student reads highlited vowels in the text. A teacher or parent can select the speed of the game and upload texts from a .txt file

Rhinos vs people
A word appears in the upper part of the screen. After a given time it disapperas. Then in the bottom of the screen appear 4 words. The student has a given time to click on the word that was shown on the top of the screen earlier. A teacher or parent can select the speed of the game and upload texts from a .txt file

Moving text
To start the game a teacher or parent should upload the text from a .txt file. A student reads a creeping line of the text. A teacher or parent can select the speed of the game.

Word fireworks
To start the game a teacher or parent should upload the text from a .txt file. The text in the file should be annotated: the designated words must be followed by * symbols without a space. A student clicks at words. He/she shoold choose the designated words to click. A teacher or parent can select the speed of the game.

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